Anti-Zionist Jews visit Fars News Agency

TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Members of the anti-Zionist movement of Neturei Karta International paid a visit to Fars News Agency here on Friday and conferred with FNA Managing Director.

The meeting was attended by Neturei Karta International spokesman Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss, Neturei Karta spokesman for the UK branch, Rabbi Ahron Cohen, Rabbi Yisroel Pinchos Feldman from New York, Rabbi Eliezer Hochheuser from London and Rabbi Dovid Shlomo Feldman from New York, USA.

During the meeting, FNA managing director Mehdi Fazaeli first appreciated the just and righteous endeavors of the whole community of the anti-Zionist Jews and their efforts for informing the world community about the crimes committed by the Zionist Regime and of the very fact that the world must differentiate Judaism from Zionism.

Fazaeli stressed, “we are living in a world where a group of so-called defenders of human rights commit all types of crimes and oppressions, which has, in turn, reinvigorated the belief in the idea of Messiah and pushed the world people more and more to crave for his advent.”

He further stressed that the Iranian nation and government differ Judaism from Zionism very well and despite the fact that Iran is seeking a world free from Zionism, “Iranian Jews are living along with their Muslim brethren very peacefully.”

Noting the status of Judaism as a divine religion in the Iranian constitutional law, Fazaeli reminded, “Iranian Jews perform their religious rituals very freely, while they are fully respected and regarded as first class citizens by their fellow countrymen.”

FNA managing director reiterated that we do not view Jews as a population in exile, but a population who holds its share of owning the country.

Reminding that Muslims, including the Iranian Muslims, are urged by their religious teachings to respect and regard prophet Moses (PBUH) as one of the five grand messengers of God, he underlined, “Zionism is a devilish phenomenon which is far from Judaism and we hope that the Iranian media could succeed in defusing the efforts by the world media to censure the news and developments of anti-Zionist Jewish movements.”

For his part, Neturei Karta spokesman of the UK branch, Rabbi Ahron Cohen expressed his pleasure with the visit to Iran and said, “we are making much effort at a global scale to show to the world people that Judaism and Zionism are two completely different issues.”

The anti-Zionist Rabbi added that many members of the Jewish community are ashamed of the tendency shown by some of their people towards the materialistic and anti-religious movement of Zionism which has just been forged since 100 years ago.

Reminding that according to the religious teachings of Judaism, Jews are a nation in exile, Rabbi Cohen continued, “we are not and we must not be after the establishment of a Jewish state and we must live beside and within the other nations in various parts of the world in peace and friendship.”

The anti-Israeli Rabbi underscored that Zionism has sought to found a land through usurpation and that’s why it is an anti-religious movement and we believe that the existence of such a state has served as one of the greatest impediments in the way of the advent of the great Messiah.

The Rabbi appreciated the honesty, friendship and faithfulness of the Iranian nation and stressed that there is wide propaganda in the West against the faith of Islam in general and Iran in particular that is all a lie and he expressed hope that the visit of his group to Iran could further prove that such allegations are unfounded.

Elsewhere, spokesman of Neturei Karta International Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss reiterated that there resides no profound difference among the divine religions, including Islam and Judaism and added, “no doubt, all throughout the history and prior to the appearance of Zionism, the United Nations and Human Rights organizations and watchdogs, Jews were running a peaceful life along with the followers of other religions and faiths, Islam in particular.

Elaborating on the formation of the world Zionism, he said, “this materialistic, anti-religious and political movement has been established by some who did not believe in Judaism at all, and they misused our religion and the holy Torah so as to legitimize their movement and absorb support of the Jewish and world community.”

The Rabbi stated that many Zionists, including even those who are now living in the occupied lands, are well aware that Zionism is a void, untruthful and illegitimate idea and movement, adding, “unfortunately, the hegemony of the Zionists over the world media and their use of threat and force has suffocated the true voice of Jewry and, thus, Zionists have impeded the world public opinion from realizing that there exists a long distance between Judaism and Zionism.”

He stressed that there are many extensive protests and demonstrations against Zionists and the occupying Regime of Israel even within the occupied lands, but they are never reflected by the world media, “yet, we are rather sure that Zionism will collapse one day, the same way that the former Soviet Union disintegrated overnight.”

Neturei Karta spokesman reiterated that majority of Jews believe that Israel must be dismantled, Palestinians must be free to return home and sovereignty of the entire lands must be returned to the Palestinians, adding, “it is not at all enough to establish two adjacent states called Palestine and Israel. Rather we hold this strong belief that Israel must be dismantled and this is the duty of all humanity and Jews.”

He further praised Iranian president for his recent statements regarding the untruthfulness of Zionism and went on to say, “Mr. Ahmadinejad is not anti-Semitic or anti-Jew, rather he is an anti-Zionist and the Jewish community supports his endeavors for the dismantlement of the usurper Regime and state of Israel.”

Rabbi Yisroel Weiss noted the media censorship of the developments and events related to anti-Zionist Jews and said, “the Jewish community living in the United States and other parts of the world, including in the United Kingdom, always form protests and demonstrations against Zionists and the Israeli Regime, where hundreds of thousands of people show their wrath at the Israeli crimes and movements, but all the major media ignore the news and Zionist-dominated media owners do not allow the news to be released.”

At the end of the meeting, the anti-Zionist Jews praised the influential measures and actions of the Islamic Republic of Iran in confrontation against world Zionism.

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