Egyptian MPs Discuss Israeli-Palestinian Clashes and Demand Egypt Obtains Nuclear Weapons

Following are excerpts from an Egyptian parliamentary debate on the recent Israeli-Palestinian clashes, which aired on Channel 1, Egyptian TV, on July 4, 2006:

MP Ibrahim Al-Gogari: It is not enough to demand the recalling of the Egyptian ambassador from Israel. We must also demand that the Israeli ambassador to Egypt be expelled, because what is happening now is a violation of all international boundaries, and of all the agreements. Moreover, it is a breach of international human law.


MP Mustafa Bakri: The Zionist entity must realize that the Egyptian people… Forget about all the others – just Egypt… If Egypt takes a stand everything in the region changes. We know that President Mubarak is exerting efforts and maintaining contacts, which is all fine, but we say to the president: If you take an actual measure, which is supported by the entire Egyptian people, Israel will back down.


MP Ahmad Dawidar: Mr. Speaker, Israel is a Nazi state. It does not honor any international charter or treaty, and it completely ignores the UN charter. Israel is doing to the Palestinians what Hitler did to them in the Holocaust.


MP Ali Nasr: We are the strong ones. We are the men of honor. We are a graveyard for the enemies. We do not fear Israel or those behind it. We do not fear Israel or those supporting it.


MP Sabri ‘Amr: There should be campaigns for a boycott, an official boycott, a boycott of the normalization, and a boycott of all the dealings with Israel. We do not want anyone, whoever he may be, to be able to say that [Egyptian] gas is exported to Israel, and that cement and iron are exported to Israel.


MP Ragab Hmeda: Israel is trying to bring the entire world to its knees. The United States has already knelt before it, and so have all the countries of the European Union. Therefore, any appeal to these countries is bound to fail. The only thing that will deter Israel is nuclear power.


MP Sa’d ‘Abud: We must pursue the nuclear path and arm ourselves with nuclear weapons.

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