Iran Makes Advanced Air Defense Control System

A0238263.jpgAfter years of industrious efforts, Iranian army experts succeeded in building an advanced air defense and maneuvers control system. The system called ‘Training simulator, command network operational skill level and position assessor and air defense controller’ is a combination of a variety of soft and hardware packages granting the system different unique capabilities to assess nationwide war games from such different aspects as solidarity and unity of commandeering, central command conditions, and coordination and preparedness of all defense systems, including eavesdropping, ground-surface and air-surface reconnoiterers and all links of the command network and air defense control, from the phase of targeting to the phase of destruction.

The modern and advanced system is also capable of assessing penetrability of all defense systems in electronic warfare, and it can analyze the entire maneuver and the relevant data, and detect implementation of instructions, systems and individuals.

The system can also be used for the identification and reconnaissance of borders, cities, corridors, dams and other natural and geographical protrusions, figures and positions.

It has taken three years for the army experts to go through the design and production stages and it is due to go under the first operational test during a specialized air defense exercise in late spring.

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