Defense cooperation between the Pakistan and the Uzbekistan

Pakistan and Uzbekistan signed on 21 September a memorandum of understanding (MoU) aimed at increasing and intensifying defense cooperation, Xinhua reported quoting the News Network International (NNI).
The deal was signed by Pakistani Minister of Defense Rao Sikandar Iqbal and visiting Uzbek Defense Minister Ruslan Mirzaev.
Ruslan Mirzaev said that Uzbekistan attached great importance to its ties with Pakistan and wanted to further broaden and expand cooperation in the areas of common interest particularly in the field of defense.
Sikandar Iqbal told his Uzbek counterpart that Pakistan and Uzbekistan shared common history, culture and religion and the relations between the two Muslim countries needed to be further strengthened and enhanced for the mutual benefits of the two sides.
The two parties expressed the hope that the MoU would pave the way for closer military cooperation between the two countries.
The six-member Uzbek delegation headed by Ruslan Mirzaev arrived in Pakistan on Wednesday for a three-day official visit. 

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