CE’s Muhabarat investigating the cases of death of the presidents Maskhadov, Sadulayev and the assassination attempt on D.Umarov

16_1.jpgThe press-service of Amir of the Caucasus Emirate reports that Amir Dokka Umarov said with regard to the revelation of new data during the course of collection of information on the death of the presidents of CRI (Chechen Republic of Ichkeria) Aslan Maskhadov and Abdul-Halim Sadulayev, muhabarat of the Caucasus Emirate has begun to investigate the cases of possible involvement in the deaths of two CRI presidents of some former members of the government of CRI abroad. 

Facts of their indirect involvement in the deaths of presidents CRI Aslan Maskhadov and Abdul-Halim Sadulayev have been revealed today. The investigation is continuing. After its completion the cases of the death of the Chechen presidents and the possible connection, with the death of some former members of the CRI government, will be transferred to the Shariah Court.


The press service of Amir of the Caucasus Emirate also reported that the provocative noise raised by some former members of the government of CRI abroad, in connection with the proclamation of the Caucasus Emirate, has been used by Russian secret services for the assassination attempt on Dokka Umarov.


As a result of countermeasures the assassination attempt on Amir of the Caucasus Emirate Dokka Umarov failed. Only a few Mujahideen from the cover group of Security Service of CE Amir had incurred minor injuries.


Dokka Umarov said that the assassination attempt on him was organized under the same scenario as in the case of the death of Aslan Maskhadov and Abdul-Halim Sadulayev.

Kavkaz Center

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