Iran and Turkey to finalize energy deal within a month

picture8.jpgTEHRAN, (ISNA)-Turkish foreign and energy ministers will have a trip to Iran within next two weeks to finalize energy agreements with Iran.

Turkey’s energy minister Hilmi Guler also rejected claims saying the failure in signing the agreement was due to the US pressures to isolate Iran and declared the agreement will be signed within a month and technical works on the planned energy contract are underway.

Turkey is an independent country and the agreement has nothing to do with the US, but there were only some technical problems with the deal, he told reporters at a press conference on Monday.

Turkey and Iran agreed in May to build a new gas pipeline to ensure a reliable supply to Turkey.

Guler also said Turkey had completed technical studies on natural gas production from Iran’s huge South Pars gas field and sent them to Tehran expected to give its response on Aug. 21.

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