Kosovo to Push UN Exit at Security Council

resizer131Kosovo’s Foreign Minister is to urge the United Nations Mission in Kosovo to wrap up its administration at a UN Security Council meeting later in Monday.

Kosovo will be represented by UNMIK chief, Lamberto Zannier and Foreign Minister, Skender Hyseni.

The chief of Kosovo’s diplomacy will also discuss the security situation in Kosovo.

Serbia will be represented at the meeting in New York on Monday by President Boris Tadic. In UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon’s report, parts of which have leaked, he said that the security situation in Kosovo is stable, but that a series of incidents occurred in the northern ethnically-divided town of Mitrovica.

Even though no one from the European Union law and order mission will be attending the meeting, Ban’s report will include a report on the first three months of EULEX’s work in Kosovo.

EULEX is due to become the main international presence in an independent Kosovo but UNMIK has been reluctant to leave, because Kosovo’s declaration of independence last year failed to receive backing from the UN Security Council.

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