‘Kosovo Govt. is Supporting Parallel Structures’

resizer30Kosovo’s Vetevendosje (Self-determination) movement is accusing Kosovo’s government of financially supporting Serbia’s illegal institutions in the newly independent country.

Vetevendosje, led by Albin Kurti, a former student leader and war prisoner of the Milosevic regime, claims that the government has no intention to fight the mechanisms of the state of Serbia, which are operating in Kosovo.

“A large portion of Serbs who work in Serbia’s parallel structures in Kosovo, are paid from Kosovo’s budget consolidated from our taxpayer’s money,” said Glauk Konjufca, of Vetevendosje.

Based on their own research, Vetevendosje claims that 117 Kosovo Serbs, who lead Serbia’s institutions in Kosovo, also hold public positions within Kosovo’s government-funded bodies.

Their research also claims that these officials are working for the Kosovo government, and at the same time, they are also registered as employees in Educational and Health institutions, thereby double-dipping into Kosovo’s budget.

Kosovo declared independence from Serbia on February 17, 2008, after being administered by the UN for nine years.

Serbia, however, still organized elections in Kosovo, rejecting it’s independence and claiming it as a part of its own territory.

Serb-dominated municipalities in Kosovo have double authorities, one installed by internationally supervised Kosovo elections, and the other, from Serbian elections, which have been labeled ‘illegal’ by the UN.

These bodies are financed by the government in Belgrade and provide no accountability to Kosovo institutions.

The Vetevendosje movement is claiming that the government is not doing anything to fight this phenomenon of foreign intelligence and administration operating unchecked on its soil.

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