EU, US support Inzko’s decision regarding RS

SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH)

EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana voiced full support Sunday (June 21st) for High Representative Valentin Inzko’s decision to annul a resolution passed by Republika Srpska’s (RS) parliament. It obliged entity institutions and officials to oppose any future transfer of power to BiH.

The US Embassy in BiH also supports Inzko’s move. While Bosnian Serb representatives condemned Inzko’s decision, Bosniak and Croat officials welcomed it. Dragan Covic of the Croat Democratic Union of BiH told the Sarajevo-based daily Dnevni Avaz that the international community has punished RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik with this yellow card.

Party of Democratic Action leader Sulejman Tihic suggested Inzko didn’t go far enough, saying he had failed to sanction those responsible for anti-Dayton Peace Accord activities.

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