Bosnian Serbs will not support nominated PM

Slavo Kukic, Bosnia’s nominee premier, looks highly unlikely to get support from Serb representatives in parliament, in which case Bosnia’s eight-month search for a Prime Minister goes on.

Bosnia looks unlikely to get a new Prime Minister at the end of this week, after Bosnian Serbs said they would veto the current nominee.

The exact date of the next session of the House of Representatives of the State Parliament is expected to be disclosed on Thursday, Parliament’s press officer said. It is expected to take place on Friday.

Bosnia continues to struggle to form a state government more than eight months after general elections held on October 3 last year.

At the session, the State Parliament will vote for or against the Prime Ministerial candidate, who was nominated by the State Presidency on Tuesday. Slavo Kukic was proposed by the Social Democrats, SDP.

But parties in Bosnia’s Serb-dominated entity, Republika Srpska, RS, say they will not support Kukic and will only support a legitimate representative of Croats – ie a member of one of the main Bosnian Croat parties.

In this case, the Parliament will not appoint Kukic as the new premier. The State Presidency will then have eight days to provide a new nominee. Neither the law nor the Presidency’s Statute says how many times the procedure may be repeated and whether one candidate could be nominated repeatedly.

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