Austrian Major General Robert Brieger will command EUFOR in Bosnia

Austrian Major General Robert Brieger will take over command of the European Union’s military force in Bosnia on December 6, the defence ministry said Friday.

Brieger, 55, will succeed compatriot Major General Bernhard Bair, who has led EUFOR since December 2009.

Bair was the first Austrian to lead the force and Defence Minister Norbert Darabos described it as “a high distinction” in a statement Friday that command would go to the small alpine country for a second time in a row.

Brieger, who commanded the Austrian contingent in Kosovo in 2001-2002, will be in charge of some 1,700 troops from 25 countries, about 350 of them from Austria, said the ministry.

The official handover will take place in Sarajevo on December 6.

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