EP Rapporteur for Serbia says the country deserves candidate status

European Parliament (EP) Rapporteur Jelko Kacin stated Wednesday Serbia deserved both the candidate status and a date for the beginning of the talks.

He added that it was important for the most significant agreements in the dialogue with Priština to be implemented.

Kacin told the Radio Television of Vojvodina that the EP would today discuss the draft resolution on Serbia’s EU integration which would enter procedure, adding that the final deadline for submitting amendments was the end of the month.

“I do not know how it will turn out, but if the text was entirely up to me, it would be highly positive and give all the recommendations. However, already as of tomorrow, I expect strong objections from other political groups about what has not been fulfilled and what needs to be fixed so that Serbia would obtain the candidacy,” Kacin underlined.

He said that Serbia should also be given the date for negotiations, assessing that both Serbia and the broader region needed it.

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