Bosnia-Herzegovina must become a full member of the OIC, said OIC SG Ihsanoglu

Ihsanoglu on Monday said that Bosnia-Herzegovina had to be a full member of the OIC and benefit from the opportunities the organization offered to member statesSecretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu held a joint press conference with Bosniak member of the Bosnia-Herzegovina Tripartite Presidency, Bakir Izetbegovic, after meeting with members of the Tripartite Presidency on Monday. “We admire Bosnia-Herzegovina. We admire Bosnia-Herzegovina’s multi-cultural structure and its peaceful heritage,” Ihsanoglu underlined. “The differences in the administration of Bosnia-Herzegovina must be used for the development of the country. As the OIC, we are ready to extend any support needed by Bosnia-Herzegovina,” Ihsanoglu noted. “Bosnia-Herzegovina must become a full member of the OIC and make use of the opportunities presented by the OIC,” Ihsanoglu stressed. ” Full membership in theOIC would add many things to Bosnia-Herzegovina. We have 57 members in the OIC. Turkey and Albania are among our members. A highway constructed in Albania was possible thanks to the assistance of the OIC and the Islamic Development Bank. Why should Bosnia-Herzegovina not make use of such opportunities?” Ihsanoglu underlined. “Unlike the EU and NATO, OIC does not place special conditions for membership. Some countries with a Christian population are members of the OIC and receive substantial assistance from the OIC,” Ihsanoglu noted.

-“Bosnia-Herzegovina needs investments”-

Izetbegovic, in his part, said that, during the talks today, “we discussed the development of economic cooperation between the OIC and Bosnia-Herzegovina”. “Bosnia-Herzegovina has been an observer in the OIC for the past 19 years. We request from OIC member states to make investments in Bosnia-Herzegovina,” Izetbegovic also stated.

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