Pakistani PM to solve issues with India through dialogue

imgAs the Pakistan government and the outlawed Taliban prepare for peace talks, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Monday said he wants to overcome both terrorism within the country and outstanding issues with India through dialogue as peace is vital for reviving the country’s economy.

“My only wish and prayer is that this process (talks with the Taliban) should move forward successfully, and whatever issues Pakistan faces, they should be solved through dialogue,” Mr. Sharif told the media.

“I also want Pakistan’s external issues (with) India, Afghanistan to be resolved through dialogue. There are so many issues pending for long on which we can move forward through dialogue,” he said.

Mr. Sharif, whose government has named a four-member committee for talks with the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), said restoring peace through dialogue is the best option. He added peace is vital for reviving Pakistan’s economy.

He welcomed the team nominated by the Taliban to hold talks with the government’s committee.

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