Egyptian FM to visit Rabat

Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukri travelled to Rabat on Thursday amid recently strained relations between the two countries, diplomatic sources said.
Shoukri is set to deliver a personal message from President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi to  Morocco’s King Mohammed VI.
A report which aired on Moroccan state television in December describing Egyptian President El-Sisi as the leader of “a military coup,” sparked anger across Egyptian media.
In late December, Moroccan official Channel 1 had aired a report headlined “the political effects of the military coup in Egypt” saying that the “coup” had undermined the country’s security and led to unrest still felt today.
Moroccan Ambassador to Cairo, Mohamed Saad El-Eleimy, has publicly implored Egypt to disregard the report.
El-Sisi, elected president in 2014, was the leader of the armed forces during the ouster of Islamist President Mohamed Morsi in 2013 following mass protests against his rule.
Morocco had previously declared support for Egypt’s campaign against a jihadist insurgency which has spiked since Morsi’s ouster.

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