Western powers stress the need of political solution for Libyan crisis

Egypt pushed for action against jihadists in Libya ahead of a UN Security Council meeting Wednesday but faced reluctance from Western powers who stressed the need for a political solution.
After launching air strikes against Islamic State group targets in Libya this week in response to the jihadists’ beheadings of Egyptian Christians, Cairo has asked the Security Council to provide a mandate for an international intervention.
Italy said time was “running out” to address the threat from ISIS on Europe’s doorstep, but Rome and other Western powers said peace talks needed to be given another chance.
With the Security Council due to meet later in New York, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry warned of the risks of inaction.

In talks with UN envoys, Shoukry stressed “the need for the international community… to assume its responsibilities towards the deteriorating situation in Libya, as it represents a clear threat to international peace and security,” his ministry said in a statement.

A US-led coalition is already carrying out air strikes against ISIS targets in Syria and Iraq, and Egyptian officials have suggested that effort should be expanded to Libya.
But Western powers have been wary of committing to action in Libya, where a Nato air campaign backed the 2011 uprising that ousted and killed dictator Muammar Gaddafi.

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