US air strikes pound Sirte to oust Daesh

imgUS aircraft hit Daesh targets with more 30 strikes over the last three days on the Libyan city of Sirte as pro-government forces push into its last militant-held districts, the US military said on Monday.
Libyan forces are close to ending a six-month campaign to liberate Sirte from the Daesh group, which took over the city more than a year after taking advantage of factional infighting that emerged after the fall of strongman Muammer Qadhafi in 2011.
Forces mostly from nearby Misrata city are pushing ahead street by street, facing snipers and suicide bombers.
They are helped by US air strikes since August and co-ordination with small teams of Western special forces on the ground.
On Sunday, Libyan forces recaptured the city’s Cambo area, and swept out tunnels used by militants to hide and prepare ambushes, and seized a field hospital.
They found charred bodies of militants hit by air strikes.

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