Algeria urges Malians to stick on peace process after suicide attack

Algeria on Wednesday urged Malian warrant parties to stick on peace process as it condemned the suicide bombing attack that targeted the northern city of Gao.
“Algeria strongly condemns the murderous terrorist attack that took place today in Gao, in the north of Mali,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Abdelaziz Benali Cherif was quoted as saying by the
official APS news agency.
“Algeria will spare no effort for the scrupulous and rigorous implementation of this deal, in coordination with Malian actors and the international community,” the diplomat added, referring to Algeria’s chairmanship of the Follow-up Committee of the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in Mali.
A suicide bombing attack, targeted a military camp, hit the northern city of Gao on Wednesday, killing at least 50 and injuring some 60 others, according to local media.

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