“Solution for consulates in Montenegro soon”

PODGORICA, Montenegro

Serbia’s initiative to open three consulates in Montenegro should be decided on in direct talks between the two countries’ leaderships. This is according to a Podgorica-based Vijesti daily report, which quoted Montenegrin Foreign Ministry officials.

Vijesti wrote that the official Belgrade was informed of the stand of the Montenegrin Foreign Ministry through diplomatic channels in late July, as a reply to a draft consular convention Serbia had forwarded to Montenegro a month earlier. 

The Serbian Foreign Ministry officially requested permission to open three more consulates – in Herceg Novi, Nikšić and Bijelo Polje.

Minor member of the Montenegrin ruling coalition, the Social Democratic Party, was opposed to the initiative, while representatives of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) mostly had reservations and their stand was that Montenegro is not big enough to host as many as four Serbian consulates.

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