Greek Prime Minister: Name solution within the framework of our positions

After last night’s meeting with Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou, UN Secretary General Ban-Ki-Moon said that Athens’ position on name issue is clear, adding that they expressed will in solving name issue.

The prime minister expressed his satisfaction, saying that he had a “very constructive meeting” with the head of the UN.

We discussed name issue. As we stressed, we have proved our will for a mutually acceptable solution, always within the framework of our positions and the red lines that are clear. Our will exists and, of course, we are expecting the necessary will from the other side for there to be a solution, Papandreou said.

Papandreou-Ban-Ki-Moon meeting was held last night in New York in parallel with Macedonian President Ivanov-UN mediator Matthew Nimetz. The meetings were held ahead of the meeting between Greek FM Dimitris Droutsas with UN mediator Matthew Nimetz.

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