
Belgrade hosts international parliamentary conference on European integration of South East Europe

Belgrade is to host the fifth conference of the parliamentary committees for European integration affairs in the member states of the Stabilization and Association Process for South East Europe, the media report. Up for discussion at the two-day conference are the stabilization and association process, experience gained and future challenges, …

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Presidential elections begin in Romania

The presidential elections began on Sunday morning in Romania, over 18 million eligible voters are expected to turn to polls to elect a new president for the next five-year term. A number of 12 candidates entered the race for the state’s top position. The incumbent President Traian Basescu is running …

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Caught Between Pristina and Belgrade

As Kosovo goes it alone for the first time in local elections, the results are less significant than the voting process itself, as some Kosovo Serbs defy Belgrade’s boycott demand in a move that may cause a major rift between Serb communities in Kosovo, Igor Jovanovic and Anes Alic write …

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FBI podržava nezavisne istrage

Federalni istražni biro SAD (FBI) podržava bh. napore da se policijske istrage provode nezavisno od etničkih interesa i utjecaja političkih stranaka, saopćeno je iz američke ambasade u BiH nakon okončanje dvodvene posjete direktora FBI Roberta Mulera Sarajevu. “FBI potpuno podržava bh. napore da se policijske istrage provode u skladu s …

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Dogovorom lidera do transformacije OHR-a

Upravni odbor Vijeća za implementaciju mira (PIC) pozvao je u četvrtak političare u BiH da se konstruktivno angažiraju u realizaciji tranzicije OHR-a. U kominikeu, koji je jednoglasno usvojen, ističe se da se aplikacija BiH za članstvo u EU ne može razmatrati sve dok postoji OHR, ujedno izražavajući ozbiljnu zabrinutost zbog …

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Marian Lupu to discuss Transnistria problem while in St. Petersburg

Moldovan Democratic Party Chairman MP Marian Lupu will attend a congress of Yedinaya Rossiya [United Russia] governing party to be held in St. Petersburg on Friday, and will use an opportunity to meet and talk to another guest of the congress – Chairman of the Obnovleniye [Renovation] Republican Party of …

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Prosecutor says his Mladić statement “imprecise”

Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor Vladimir Vukčević says Serge Brammertz did not, “in a single word”, say that Mladić is out of Serbia’s reach. Earlier this week, media in Serbia reported that Vukčević said Brammertz’s report states that “Hague fugitive and indictee Ratko Mladić is not within the reach of the …

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