TimeLine Layout

October, 2006

  • 2 October

    UN experts seek sanctions against top Sudanese officials

    UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Qatar’s UN ambassador said a panel of experts had recommended that the Security Council impose sanctions on top Sudanese officials for violating peace efforts in Darfur, and strongly suggested that President Omar Bashir was among them.

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  • 2 October

    Shiites flee reign of terror in mixed Iraqi city

    BAQUBA — As the death squads’ grim threats began to mount against Shiite families in the Mafraq neighbourhood of Baqouba, north of Baghdad, fewer and fewer people attended their local prayer hall. Soon, the only members of the embattled Shiite community to brave the narrow streets of this religiously-mixed quarter …

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  • 1 October


    Sommetul Francofoniei de la BucureÅŸti a fost o reuÅŸită. Este opinia generală a ÅŸefilor de stat ÅŸi de guvern care au participat la manifestarea din capitala României. La conferinÅ£a de presă ce a marcat încheierea grandiosului eveniment, preÅŸedintele Traian Băsescu a anunÅ£at că viitorul sommet va avea loc în Canada, …

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  • 1 October

    Tareq Mitri: Sunt trimisul special al premierului libanez la Sommet

    Ministrul libanez al Culturii, Tareq Mitri, a inceput conferinta de presa organizata, joi, cu ocazia Sommet-ului Francofoniei, spunand ca este “trimisul special al premierului” Fouad Siniora, iar prezenta Libanului la eveniment este normala, deoarece Libanul este printre tarile fondatoare al OIF.

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  • 1 October

    Israel to quit Lebanon today

    BEIRUT (Agencies) — Israel plans to pull out the last of its troops from south Lebanon on Sunday in line with a UN resolution that ended a bloody war with Hizbollah, security sources in Israel said on Saturday. The sources said the aim would be to get the soldiers out …

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  • 1 October

    Iraqi forces place Baghdad under curfew after plot suspect arrested

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) — Iraqi forces placed Baghdad under a blanket curfew throughout Saturday after US troops arrested a man suspected of plotting to attack the capital’s government compound with suicide car bombings. US troops arrested a security guard at the home of the leader of the main Sunni Arab political …

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  • 1 October

    Air strike kills Palestinian fighter in southern Gaza Strip

    GAZA (Agencies) — An Israeli air strike killed one fighter and wounded three other Palestinians in the southern Gaza Strip town of Rafah on Saturday, residents said. An Israeli military spokeswoman said the strike was aimed at a vehicle used by fighters it accused of planning an attack against Israel.

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  • 1 October

    Turkey’s Kurdish rebels declare ceasefire

    ANKARA (AFP) — Turkey’s rebel Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) on Saturday ordered a unilateral ceasefire effective October 1 in operations against the Turkish military. “The only path to resolve the region’s problems is through democratic dialogue, and to give life to a democratic and modern system that respects national or …

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  • 1 October

    Children face perils of bomblets in Lebanon

    NABATIYAH  — From a hospital bed, 14-year-old Hassan tells how half his foot was blasted away by one of the million bomblets that Israel rained on south Lebanon during its war with Hizbollah. “I ran across a small object hidden in the vegetation,” the teenager says from his bed in …

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  • 1 October

    UN experts seek sanctions against top Sudanese officials

    UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Qatar’s UN ambassador said a panel of experts had recommended that the Security Council impose sanctions on top Sudanese officials for violating peace efforts in Darfur, and strongly suggested that President Omar Bashir was among them.

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