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Bulgarian presidential runoff officially scheduled 24/10/2006 SOFIA, Bulgaria — The Central Election Commission (CEC) formally confirmed that incumbent Georgi Parvanov of the Socialist Party and ultranationalist Attack coalition leader Volen Siderov will square off in a runoff next Sunday (October 29th). The CEC released the final results of last Sunday’s …

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Peretz admits phosphorous bombs used in Lebanon

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (AP) — The Israeli army dropped phosphorous bombs against Hizbollah targets in Lebanon during the war there this summer, an Israeli Cabinet minister said Sunday, confirming Lebanese allegations for the first time. Phosphorus weapons can cause severe burns and are banned for use in civilian areas, but Israel …

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Israelis threaten to retake Gaza-Egypt border

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (Reuters) — Several Israeli Cabinet ministers called on Sunday for a military operation to retake control of Gaza’s southern border and prevent Palestinian fighters smuggling weapons from neighbouring Egypt. “Action must be taken without hesitation,” Industry and Trade Minister Eli Yishai of the religious party Shas told reporters. …

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Israelis threaten to retake Gaza-Egypt border

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (Reuters) — Several Israeli Cabinet ministers called on Sunday for a military operation to retake control of Gaza’s southern border and prevent Palestinian fighters smuggling weapons from neighbouring Egypt. “Action must be taken without hesitation,” Industry and Trade Minister Eli Yishai of the religious party Shas told reporters.

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Fair Suspension Liable to Negotiation

TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyed Mohammad Ali Hoseini said that as with the other issues, suspension can also be put to discussion during Iran-West nuclear negotiations if only fair and just conditions are provided.

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