IRIB and Ahmadinejad

Last night TV had a report on the visit of Mr Ahmadinejad to Hormozgan province. Although such coordination and wide coverage of the news of the president’s trips by IRIB is unprecedented, it is a good act to keep people informed of the performance of their government. This is what people were deprived of during the last 8 years. Last night the reporter of the news at 20:30 who usually thinks that he talks very intimately with people, after broadcasting the news of the trip in details quoted some local people, with such an intonation which he thought is intimate again, saying that this evening it had to rain. He continued in a way implying that it did not rain due to the letters of the people to Mr Ahmadinejad! and showed a part when people were chanting in favour of Mr Ahamdinejad. 

This was again an attempt to give a holy view of Mr Ahamdinejad and looked like a propaganda clip and of course ineffectual in the world of media it was; if IRIB at the time of Mr Khatami had presented the news of the session at UN when Mr Kahatmi proposed the idea of Dialogue among Civilizations, as equal as it did for the trip of Mr Ahmadinejad to Bandar Abbas, the people would have felt happy and proud. 

Taking these direct and unprecedented advertisements done by IRIB for Ahamdinejad into account, then the quarrel between the colleagues of the president and IRIB sounds funny. This, of course, might be to provide a justification for such advertisements. Some call it sham quarrel!

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