Haddad Adel Underlines Release of his Palestinian Counterpart

A0157351.jpgTEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Iranian Parliament Speaker Gholam Ali Haddad Adel called on the unions of Muslim and Arab Parliaments and all his colleagues worldwide to make every effort to set Palestinian Parliament Speaker free.

In a message released on Sunday afternoon, Haddad Adel condemned abduction of the Palestinian Parliament Speaker Abdul-Aziz Dowaik by the Zionist regime and stated, “In another act of barbarism and aggression, the Zionist regime, relying on the irrational and cruel supports of its allies, embarked on kidnapping the Speaker of the Palestinian Parliament Mr. Abdul-Aziz Dowaik and imprisoned him, a measure that is in violation of all the political and parliamentary immunity rights, human rights and citizenship rights.”

The message also read, “I, hereby, condemn this measure of the Zionist regime and I ask the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the Union of the Muslim states’ parliaments, the union of the Arab Parliaments and all the parliament speakers of the world to show their strong protest against this act of the Zionist regime and not to spare any efforts to provide for his release and the release of other Palestinian parliament deputies and cabinet ministers who have been abducted and imprisoned in the same way in the past.

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