FM Spokesman Rejects Suspension of Enrichment

A02293601.jpgSpeaking to reporters in his first weekly press conference, Hoseini noted that the senior officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran have frequently declared that Tehran may never suspend its uranium enrichment activities.

The official dismissed earlier reports by the Media about a short-term or 90-day suspension of enrichment by Iran, and said that the idea has no room in Iran’s peaceful nuclear policy.

In response to a question about the possibility of imposing sanctions against Iran, he said that Iranian officials and people always consider sanction as an obsolete tool and that the nation is used to such sanctions and threats.

The spokesman reminded that sanctions would inflict damages on both sides, and said Iran is not keen on those solutions which might end in sanctions, but meantime stressed that Tehran will continue with its nuclear activities.

“As President Ahmadinejad has underlined, Iran will not even accept a day long suspension,” the diplomat stated.

The Foreign Ministry Spokesman repeated Iran’s preparedness to hold talks on the nuclear issue without any preconditions and within the boundaries of the international laws.

He also stressed that the good will Iran has constantly displayed in its nuclear talks with the West proves that the Islamic Republic is seeking to solve the issue through peaceful means.

Describing the recent talks between Iran’s top nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani and the European Union Foreign Policy Chief Javier Solana as constructive and progressive, the spokesman said that the two sides have not yet decided about the setting of their next round of talks, but meantime stated that the next Larijani-Solana meeting would be held after the London meeting.

Regarding Tehran’s offer for the formation of a nuclear consortium, the official reiterated that the plan is not restricted to any given country, and said that no final decision has yet been made about the those countries which are to join plan.

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