President Stresses Inefficiency of Threats against Iran

A0229360.jpgAccording to a statement released by the Presidential Press Office, Ahmadinejad made the remarks in a meeting with Slovakia’s incoming Ambassador to Tehran here on Sunday, where Antwan Hydok submitted his credentials to the Iranian President.

During the meeting, Ahmadinejad described Iran’s nuclear stances as fully clear and transparent and, noting that some countries treat Iran’s nuclear issue through a political perspective, he stated, “Those countries who make atomic bombs themselves and have even equipped some Middle-Eastern states with such weapons are a danger to the world and not the legal and peaceful efforts the Islamic Republic of Iran makes to acquire the nuclear fuel production cycle.”

Elsewhere, the Iranian President said he was not satisfied with the level of the two countries’ ties, and reminding that both sides should make a better use of the existing potentials, he underlined the need for the development of the two countries’ ties in the different political and economic sectors.

He further voiced Iran’s enthusiasm for negotiations and talks, and termed Iran a large countries with an understanding, civilized and revolutionary people.

For his part, Slovakia’s incoming ambassador to Tehran Antwan Hydok said he was proud of his mission and, noting Iran’s significant role in the region and world, he called for the expansion of the two states’ relations in various areas.

Reminding Slovakia’s membership in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), the International Atomic Energy Agency’s Board of Governors and the European Union (EU), the diplomat stressed his country’s insistence on the settlement of Iran’s nuclear issue through talks and assured that Slovakia strives to find a diplomatic solution to the case.

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