ElBaradei’s Report Indicates Iran’s Successful Diplomacy

A01352322.jpgA prominent Iranian lawmaker said the recent report by the International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Mohamed ElBaradei indicated success of Iran’s diplomacy in attracting IAEA’s positive view. Speaking to FNA here on Wednesday, member of the parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Salman Khodadadi said that following Iran’s excellent cooperation and confidence-building measures, the IAEA eventually came to the conclusion that despite what Europeans and Americans allege, Iran does not have anything to hide and that Tehran’s statements about the peaceful nature of its nuclear activities and programs are correct.

“In recent inspections, Iran allowed IAEA experts to visit and take samples from all its facilities even from those places which had not been previously mentioned by the Agency, and the IAEA eventually came to the conclusion that Iran has not violated its rules and that it has not diverted from its peaceful drive,” he continued.

The MP further viewed ElBaradei’s report as a very positive step in maintaining the IAEA’s independence, and said, “This report indicated successfulness of our diplomacy in attracting the Agency’s positive view.”

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