Karroubi Stresses Imam Khomeini’s Insistence on Liberation of Palestine

A009056825.jpgThe younger generation should know that dethroning of the Shah and liberation of Palestine were the main causes of Imam Khomeini’s movement, former Iranian Parliament Speaker Mehdi Karroubi said here on Tuesday. He said that the Late Founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini, was always concerned about Zionists’ influence and the US hegemony in the region since he started his campaign against the former Pahlavi regime in 1962.

Karroubi, who is considered as a key figure in the left camp in the Islamic Republic, further stated that the Palestinian Intifada has forced the Zionist regime to recognize the Palestinian state.

“And the seed that Imam (Khomeini) planted is now growing very fast through the resistance of the Palestinians and the support of the world of Islam,” he added.

Karroubi assured that Palestinians will embrace victory in future, and termed resistance as the way to Palestinians’ triumph.

Noting some differences among the Palestinians, he expressed hope that all differences among the Palestinians would be settled down and that Palestinian groups and people would continue their efforts to achieve their rights.

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