Amir ‘Abdul-Ghafur Assumes Leadership of the Temir-Khan-Shura Jama‘ah

According to Kavkaz-Center’s source, seven Mujahideen from the “Sayfullah” unit, based in Temir-Khan-Shura (previously known as Buynaksk), were martyred during the recent months in the territory of Wilayah Dagestan:Hizri Mamayev (‘Abdullah) and his wife Dinara Dayziyeva (Asma, born in 1988), Askhar Abakarov (‘Abdul-Malik) and his wife Salamat Israpilova (‘A’ishah), Hajimurad Sheykhov (Abu Bakr, born in 1989), Shamsuddin Omarov (Islam), Ruslan Awlakov and Eldar… 

The “Sayfullah” unit was established by Bammatkhan Sheykhov (Asadullah) in 2005. During these years the Mujahideen of “Sayfullah” carried out many successful operations in the territory of Dagestan, inflicting casualties on Russian kuffar and Dagestani murtaddin. 

Now the “Sayfullah” unit is led by amir ‘Abdul-Ghafur. “Sayfullah” belongs to the Temir-Khan-Shura sector of the Dagestan Front of the Armed Forces of the Emirate of Caucasus.

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