Minister: No Taliban Militia in Iran

A02982926.jpgTEHRAN (FNA)- Iran’s Interior Minister Ali Kordan said here Thursday that no Taliban militia is in Iran and in custody there.

“No Taliban force is in Iran and no Taliban militia is in custody in the country,” Kordan told reporters after the Fifth Meeting of Interior Ministers of Iraq Neighboring Countries.

Asked on the US-Iraq security deal, Kordan said Iran welcomes whatever decision Iraqi people make in connection with the deal.

“Iraqi government is an independent, democratic and broad-based government; the Islamic Republic of Iran supports Iraq independence and whatever the country’s people decide is also welcomed by Tehran.

The Islamic Republic of Iran agrees to whatever is in interest of Iraqi nation and government,” the Islamic republic news agency quoted Kordan as saying.

He urged removing Iraq from chapter seven of the UN charter and said, “The US pretext to strike Iraq was defiant Saddam and Weapons of Mass Destruction; Today, however, Saddam no more exists in Iraq and the International Atomic Energy Agency and the US too have announced that no WMDs have been found in the country. The philosophy of occupiers’ Iraq presence is no longer valid; So, they should leave Iraq and cede affairs to Iraqi people. The Islamic Republic of Iran’s government will have necessary cooperation with Iraqi government in that connection.”

Jordanian Interior Minister and Head of the Fifth Meeting of Interior Ministers of Iraq Neighboring Countries Abdulfayez told the one-day meeting that Iraq and its neighbors want security in the country, campaign against terrorism and border control.

He said Iraq neighboring countries will help Iraqi officials with anti-terrorist operations.

“Security and tranquility in Iraq are in favor of all of us. We want good ties coupled with peace and security in Iraq. We want Iraq to be safe and tranquil to play its role in the region and the world.” Interior Ministers of Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Bahrain, Kuwait, Egypt and Turkey were present in the meeting at Royal Hotel in Amman on Thursday.

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