Political crisis, Rama: The other side no commitment to dialogue

TIRANA-SP leader, Edi Rama declared today is again ready for dialogue, but has acknowledged that the other party has no firm commitment, nor dialogue, nor to solve the crisis. During an interview in “Top Channel” Rama once again repeated the investigation with the foundation of the election, through the opening of the boxes is an issue of great importance and constitutional right of the Assembly.

“I am unqualified, unequivocally, that I am ready to sit at this table to open a dialogue that would resolve the political crisis. The other side has no commitment to dialogue, but only words, words words “- said Rama. According to his words and landing gatishëmri majority of the table talks hide indecisiveness and apparent lack of will to open a dialogue and avoid crisis.

Rama has once again clarified that the request for investigation of election has nothing to do with the tribunal or, as the decision referred to Berisha, but has to do with constitutional and legal right of Parliament to investigate any matter of special importance. According to Rama, this is an issue of particular importance, as is the issue of election integrity.

But today, the Socialist Party majority reminded again today to observe the CoE resolution and implement recommendations to resolve the political crisis in the country. In a statement to the media, Balla Taulant socialist lawmaker stressed that the refusal of the majority of the CoE’s recommendations are saps crisis.

“Check out the truth of June 28 through the full parliamentary investigation, is not simply and only demand of the Socialist Party, the opposition or people of certain international partners. This requirement, expressed in the resolution of the Council of Europe, is already an obligation stemming from Albania’s status as a member of the EC, which obligation with Sali Berisha can not even play, or to bypass. The boycott is not the Socialist Party’s election, but Sali Berisha – Balla said.

According to him, the adoption of resolution to the Council of Europe, brought out two important elements, which Sali Berisha, with persistence, for months, refused to accept: First, that Albania is in political crisis, which be solved as soon as possible and secondly, resolving the crisis comes through full investigation of the 28 June elections.

He stated that the Socialist Party is ready to fulfill its obligations arising from resolutions of the Council of Europe, but the majority are reluctant. At the end Balla recalled that the crisis has a negative impact on the European integration process, but also in the process of visa liberalization.


Dialogue, Meta refuses table Topi

UPDATE – “unconstitutional opposition demands make dialogue ‘nul’ not yet started”. This is expressed today Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ilir Meta during a news conference. According to opposition demands are panegociushme, and is expressed also skeptical about the role of President Bamir Topi on this table.

Following the debates started after the adoption of the CoE resolution to resolve the political crisis in the country, Meta said that “the prime minister has been more correct and principled and has made known that there is any prejudice to anyone who initiates a dialogue but is very important that dialogue based on respect for the Constitution of the country, while Mr. Rama, with persistence seeks to impose a requirement unconstitutional. “Dialogue can not function and can not have a result in this way,” he continued.

Further stated that “as I have not Topi bias on mediation to resolve the political situation in the country, but I distrust the seriousness of Mr. Rama in trying to resolve this crisis, which is mainly opposition crisis.

The opposition, according to him, “has ignored the rules of the game that has signed and sealed himself and Mr. Rama aims in this crisis and pull his country’s institutions.

Asked by reporters on the resolution of the CoE, which requires the majority to establish an inquiry commission elections, he said that “we welcomed the resolution as the project has offered the opposition that the government has provided timely, even being shown open giving a majority in parliamentary committee.

Dokle: majority are barriers to establishing international

Socialist Party has asked again today the launch of talks to resolve the political crisis and simultaneously has urged the majority to not to impose barriers to international light of truth.

MP of SP, Namik Dokle said in a press statement that “political hypocrisy and deception of the heads of government media, assembly and DP, soon took their place welcoming words for the Resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe “.

According to him, the assembly confirmed the political crisis caused by government, and swallowed them to deny. “The Assembly urged the investigation of elections, while those in the labyrinthine dredhojnë impasse. Assembly will send a monitoring committee to solve the crisis, and they set up barriers to hide the truth”, said Dokle.

Further added that “the assembly urged political dialogue in the president’s desk, and they try to shumëzojnë with zero do not exist with different pressures.
With this total insanity, the majority does not nothing but the burden crisis.
But do not forget that the united opposition would not allow the consequences of the crisis plaguing the Albanians “.

Socialist Party says he is ready at any moment to sit in the President’s desk, and if the majority is not ready to take political action to end any means, including protests.


SP, called Berisha: Shprehu for the president’s desk, we are ready

January 30

Socialist Party has urged Prime Minister Sali Berisha, said publicly for the president’s desk, where the parties sit down to talks.

She has been secretary of Foreign Relations in SP, Arta Dade, through a statement that the media has once again reaffirmed the will of the SP to sit at table, called by the head of state, Bamir Topi.

“This crisis has not only caught the attention of our international partners, but has forced them to engage with appropriate seriousness by providing formula for overcoming the crisis” – Dade said, addressing a Sali Berisha called on to respond internationals with the same seriousness.

“I am calling Berisha not to undermine sponsorships dialogue with opposition to speak his words as with games, but said publicly for the president’s desk, for which we are ready” – she said.

According to SP Dades is seriously committed to overcoming the crisis which has absorbed all dimensional country, which is evidenced crisis over once a resolution passed recently by the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe.

The day before the SP leader, Edi Rama declared he is ready for dialogue at the table of the President, but has emphasized that the force he leads will not make any step regarding its request for transparency of elections.

“Our boycott has decided Sali Berisha and can only end it. We know that the boycott is not a good thing, but is the only solution left to us in terms of which is the country” – said Rama during a press conference held only shortly after the declaration of Prime Minister Berisha, who expressed his willingness for negotiation meeting the ball, adding that he as head of the KLD can not discuss the decisions of the courts.

According to Rama, the situation created or should be guaranteed freedom and honesty of elections or protests must be removed through democratic government, not taking power through violence.

Berisha: Ready for the meeting, Topi to persuade Rama to observe courts

TIRANA, “If President Topi that can persuade judges SP, Lord Rama to adapt the basic rules of state law, which are respect for the court decision, and welcome”. Thus is expressed the country’s prime minister, Sali Berisha during a news conference, a day after the EC’s resolution for our country that recognizes the political crisis and calls for election investigation of the return of opposition in the Assembly.

Berisha has repeated the invitation for the return of SP in Parliament, this time adding that this invitation comes from he and his friends, but friends of SP in Brussels and Strasbourg.

“I agree with the resolution. I am ready to up the commission inquiry and submit documents Rama faktojnë election violations in the commission” – said Berisha, however, saying the firm’s decision to not open the boxes, SP requirement that will mark the end of the boycott.

“Any contribution that is welcome, is not biased, my interest is the country, the opposition to enter parliament. I realized that no one has ever agreed to accept rinumërimin vote and political review of the decision of the courts and has proved that this is unacceptable. In this context any, if the president deems that can convince the SP, Mr. Rama to adapt the basic rules of state law, which are respect and welcome the decision of the court. I heard the president declare repeatedly that as chairman of the HJC can not conceive of dealing with court decisions “- said Berisha.


EC: Investigation of unconditional election. Rama: continue boycott

STRASBOURG – Assembly of the Council of Europe by voting the draft resolution prepared some time ago by jako raporterët Laakso (Finland, wal) and David Wilshire (United Kingdom, EDG) confirmed yesterday the political crisis in Albania, the necessity of investigating the election of June, the intervention of President Topi to resolve the political crisis and ending the boycott as soon as possible to Parliament by the Socialist Party. Council of Europe which drafted the resolution voted by two raporterët of this institution, and David Laasko jako Uillshajër, dropped 7 of 10 amendments submitted by the representative of the Albanian delegation, Ilir Rusmali. Assembly rejected the amendment Rusmalit involving an alleged Albanian delegation including President Topi not resolve the political crisis, which is opposed by Lakso Rapporteur, who has described this is a fundamental amendment. “What we wanted is that we engage by supporting President Topi, in the role he can play to resolve the political crisis”, – he is expressing. So the final resolution stated that, President Bamir Topi, should play a mediator role and bring together Albanian political parties to discuss finding a solution of this crisis. Regarding the establishment of the commission of inquiry to investigate the parliamentary elections, Rusmali stressed that the commission can be established only within the legal framework according to Constitutional Court decisions. “We have a Constitution in our country, we have a legal framework, we have decisions of the Constitutional Court. We agreed that at the beginning of the creation and establishment of a commission inquiry. But, Mr. Rama is against this”, – said Rusmali. But there was immediate opposition from British Rapporteur, David Wilshire, under which restrictions on the investigative process complicating the situation even more. One of the other amendments adopted Assembly of the Council of Europe was the amendment number 8, under which you should use the term “political crisis”, after the arguments presented by raporterët, in our country in such a crisis exists. Despite the request of the Albanian delegation to remove the term “crisis” almost every amendment filed, the Assembly approved the proposal submitted by David Uilshire, under which was removed only the term “severe” and allowed the word “crisis”. At the same time, as was published in the official website of the Council of Europe, the Assembly rejected the amendment Rusmali, according to which, it is not necessary to be called raporterët the Council of Europe in Albania. But, unlike the demand, the Assembly has decided that in Albania come a broad delegation, namely the presidential committee, accompanied by two raporterët, Lakso and Uilshire.

Full debate of the resolution adopted yesterday in the Parliamentary Assembly of the CoE’s

Resolution of the Council of Europe

David Willshire: After the June elections to draft a report on Albania was necessary. But as the crisis in Albania still, this report is not complete. Council of Europe still requires changes in Albania, changes that still are not done because of political crisis. The crisis is trouble is bothering people in Albania. We truly believe that in Albania there is a crisis. We are here to demand a greater commitment of the Council of Europe to resolve the political situation in Albania. In my view and that of my colleague, it is time that some hands should be bracing, which means a request or advice to a compromise by the Albanian leaders. The boycott of Parliament is not democratic and it must end. The purpose of this report is to focus on the crisis, which currently exists in Albania. We think it is time that the Council of Europe to play its role, to commit to resolving this crisis and we should note that in Albania to return democracy functioning institutions.

Jako Lassko: It seems that the word crisis in Albania has a different meaning from what has here in Strasbourg. The boycott Parliament means not to participate in its activities. It is a serious political crisis. The ruling and opposition must to dialogojnë between them. There should be a dialogue on a daily basis between the ruling coalition and opposition. In Albania, recently, there have been many protests and thousands of people have taken part in protests against the ruling coalition. Best would be that the problems be solved through dialogue and within Parliament. We think that is the right thing to use the term political crisis. This means that the Council of Europe is present in Albania. We have a long experience in our commitment in Albania, such political situations. Committee of the Council of Europe visited Albania in 1997, where he presented a series of recommendations. At that time Albania was facing a crisis not only political but also a serious economic crisis. But the recommendations that were made by the Council of Europe were taken into account in Albania and political wings were ready to develop dialogue to resolve political crisis at that time. There were a number of occasions for international intervention and mediation to resolve such situations of crisis we think that’s a big commitment Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe is necessary at this time. I think that we should learn from our mistakes. When the Council of Europe has not been in the presence of such crises has been very great difficulty, by having a very great job to solve them later. By learning from those mistakes, you can solve.

Ilir Rusmali: These selections were made with an electoral system that was requested by the opposition. No problem was not new identity cards and voter lists. Every single vote is counted with video recordings. While the commissioners on both sides of the certified election. All Commissioners, as the ruling party as well as the opposition, signed the minutes of unopposed. Elections met most standards. There was no evidence to corroborate that there were irregularities in the elections. These elections are the best elections that the country has ever had, but while the opposition does not accept the verdict of the people alone, because it has no government mandate. I think the opposition leader does not follow the rules of democracy, because there is a problem with their respect. He refuses even though the electoral law has required it. He rejects electoral administration. He refuses to parliament, although the results recognized early. He knows that court decisions can not be changed by means other than those democratic. He refuses to present evidence to the prosecutor’s office says although there are many such irregularities in the elections, he refuses to submit them. He is not even taking into account the request of the international community to end the boycott. The situation in Albania is not so desperate, because the left calls for boycott are coming from all sides, these calls should be heard. For this reason we support the resolution but want to have many amendments to it. The Albanian delegation is present here, I pray that the vote of the amendments, because we are people who live there and know for sure that Albania can not turn on the 1997 situation.
Lejla Përnaska: I certainly am pro draft of this resolution. This situation should not continue further. I solicit political leaders for a dialogue, for an understanding between them. But when I think about the resolution, I mean amendments. Albania has need for these amendments. That with which we are facing now in Albania is a party leader wants to play politics without respecting the rules of politics. He intends to fulfill his personal goals jeopardizing progress in this country. He exerts a pressure within his party to continue to boycott Parliament. Institutions in Albania are doing their job. But, we do call, our socialist colleagues to exercise their mandate in Parliament, to discuss and cooperate with us. The opposition is refusing constitutional institutions. You can not compare what is incomparable. To talk to a political crisis is the same as the talk of the devil. This is why we should not call this a crisis. We have a tense political situation in Albania, but this will be overcome if we describe it so realistic and will find solutions.

Willshire Rapporteur: Our report was not very clear, after only affect some parts, but not all issues. I think we should be careful not to legitimize the boycott. What we must do is to send a strong message through this resolution that is peace and political stability. Our major concerns for the future of this country. Ladies Pënaska said should not dramatize the situation. I am not agree with it, because we have 6 months to say that the situation in Albania is dramatic. So I invite you to vote against these amendments and to vote only resolution.
Rapporteur Lassko: These amendments should be voted as we should solidarizohemi political situation in Albania and the opposition should end its boycott. We should be there to resolve the political crisis. I think that failure of these amendments is a bad way solidarity in Albania. Parties should dialogojnë to resolve this situation.

The amendments presented yesterday by the chairman of DP’s delegation, Ilir Rusmali

Amendment I (refused)

Ilir Rusmali: It is clear from the political debate that whoever set the word crisis in Albania refers to the situation created in Albania in 1997. Therefore, this is why we should remove the word “crisis”, because always meant by the current situation.
Lassko: This crisis is political, but not institutional. Of course we can facilitate by removing the word “palsy” with the word “harm”.
President of the Committee: The committee is against the amendment number 1. The amendment was rejected.

Amendment II (fall)

Committee President: Mr. Rusmali Invite to protect the second amendment.
Rusmali: Thank you Mr. President! The political situation in Albania is not blocked. The work of political institutions in Albania is not blocked. We’re trying to meet all standards.

Willshire Rapporteur: Exclusion is not blocking. The facts are very clear and very accurate. I do not believe that adoption of the amendment is the right way to avoid this political situation. By this amendment should be removed a few sentences. So, I am against this amendment.

Amendment falls

To change the terms proposed by raporterët

Willshire: We agreed to put words in polite in this draft.

Committee President: We are in favor of this change.

Amendment III (fall)

Committee President: Mr. Rusmali Invite to protect the third amendment.

Rusmali: All these I said in the first amendment and I think that there is no need to become a recidivist.

Jakko Lassko: I am against this amendment, because talk is there a political crisis or not.

President of the Committee: Amendment number three is also dropping.

Amendment no. IV (fall)

Committee President: Mr. Rusmali Invite to protect the fourth amendment.

Rusmali: Voting and discussion here is getting a little monotonous and I fear that I also become monotonous. But, I think this amendment is based precisely on what we have the right to say things as they are, give change … The removed
term severe crisis.

President of the Committee: The voting was closed and the amendment number four falls.

Amendment no. 5 Investigation Commission (accepted)

Committee President: Mr. Rusmali Invite to protect the fifth amendment.

Rusmali: Mr. President! We have a Constitution in our country, we have a legal framework, we have the Constitutional Court decisions. We agreed that at the beginning of the creation and establishment of a commission inquiry. But, Mr. Rama is against this. Rama requires an inquiry commission, but with dirty political goals. We are against this, after investigation commission should be based on legal framework.

David Willshire: This amendment makes things more difficult rather than easier. If that puts limits on investigations, then things become increasingly more difficult.

President of the Committee: Voting closes amendment number five approved

Amendment no. 6 Role of the President (founder)

Rusmali: This amendment relates to the role of President of the Republic. We want it to be active and to exercise his power within his authority. We believe that there is a chance for us to resolve this crisis.

Rapporteur Lassko: This is a fundamental amendment. What we wanted is that we engage by supporting President Topi, in the role he can play to resolve this political crisis. Raporterët are against this amendment, because the best is that we support the President that he can play his role.

President of the Committee: Voting closes amendment number six falls.

Amendment no. 7 (accepted)

Committee President: Mr. Rusmali Invite to protect amendment number seven.

Rusmali: We agree that you are not to give things different names from those who have. It is about a tense situation, but not to a political crisis. Must be removed the term “integration criminalizing political crisis”

Amendment 7 accepted (replaced with serious injuries)

Amendment no. 8 (accepted)

Committee President: Mr. Rusmali Invite to protect amendment number eight, you have 30 seconds time.

Rusmali: We spent a step further. The text of the resolution we consider a severe crisis, serious, but not a political crisis. We seek another formulation for this. We hope that the Assembly to approve this request.

Rapporteur Wilshire: We still believe that the word “crisis” should be used. We can only accept that removed the word “harsh” and keep the paragraph with the word “crisis”.

Voting closes amendment number 8 adopted with this change (removed term severe)

Amendment no. 9 (fall)

Committee President: Mr. Rusmali Invite to protect amendment number nine.

Rusmali: We seek solutions that give fruit. We seek effective solutions …

Lassko: We always want to cooperate with the international community to resolve these situations. In contact with representatives of the diplomatic corps of the countries where such situations. I think that should work with diplomats who are in these countries and this is why we are against the amendment that introduced Mr. Rusmali.

Committee expressed an opinion against the amendment submitted by Mr. Rusmali.

Amendment no. 10 (fall)

Committee President: Mr. Rusmali Invite to protect amendment number ten.

Ilir Rusmali: It is not necessary to call raporterët the Council of Europe in Albania. Raporterët should go to countries that have violated the duties and obligations or commitments that are undertaken with organizations like the Council of Europe. Albania is not violated by them. Albania is a democracy and this is why should not thërritur raporterët in Albania.

Rapoteri Lassko: I had a long experience in countries like Albania and see reasonable raporterët have space again in Albania.


Resolution of CoE, Rama: Boycott the protests will continue, Berisha, as Esat Toptani

UPDATE – SP leader, Edi Rama has come out yesterday at a press conference and spoke about the CoE resolution, that, returning answer to the vocabulary of hard to Prime Minister who has attended during the last hours, despite the necessity of alleviate the political climate. “Resolution adopted by the CoE a few minutes ago showed that Albania is in political crisis, which is located in the polls. We are ready to dialogojmë but abandoned the boycott,” he said.


I immersed daily in batakun more of a crisis that has caused people, Sali Berisha has launched some days one of his attacks against rrugaçërore Socialist Party.

Just yesterday, when Albanians must seek forgiveness for the agreement that was unanimously removed from the Constitutional Court without any dissenting vote, the Esat Toptan of modern, accused as anti voice opposition to the establishment of the Council of Europe in defense of values and principles European democracy.

While today, Sali Berisha brought Language mud contaminated with criminal charges his party’s International Secretary for the fact that if the Council of Europe proves the truth of the bitter crisis of democracy in Albania.

No doubt another lawsuit waiting to charges today against the prosecution of Dades Arta in court.

Sali Toptani paturpësinë knows no limit to his day that falls to the Constitutional Court gjashtëmbëdhjetën times in violation of the Constitution of the interest that the Constitution protects, the opposition stormed as a threat to the country, the language issue to make dirty opposition that does not names in the delegations of the Parliament dot or dot sends European corridors to make his advocacy of government mired in Llumi of injustice.

While taking sixteen palm of the Constitutional Court to four years, Sali Berisha not only tells half the people of his word for this serious fact that speaks for itself the degree of democracy and transparency of governance in Albania, but has come paturpësinë first people to make trial of opposition rotating invented.

Protests, protests only worthy of the power of unscrupulous Esat dressed in double-breasted Toptani that will only power to rule, advantage and pocketed bringing corruption to the level of national disasters as in Gerdec Kalimash ndjellur Fierze or irreversible disaster for this nation would be well as the entry into force of that agreement that was denounced by courageous journalists eu suppressed by judges at the last minute thanks to the initiative of the opposition. Sali Berisha which should be clear once and for all that neither could by being attacked submits as received, nor the offering can buy bags of dirty money, nor discouraging dot cooperating with the special people who speak on behalf of opposition to language Saliut.

Resolution of the Council of Europe adopted the first few hours is clear: Albania is in political crisis. Crisis for us is within the polls. We are ready to dialogojmë since tomorrow to resolve the crisis. But we will not let up as the boycott and protests even without solving the crisis.

I thank on behalf of the SP and all opposition people, all groups of the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe gave support to the country by putting one’s finger through the adoption of the resolution of today and the collapse of the Democratic Party amendments vulgar.

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