Ban hails UNSC support for humanitarian aid to Syrians

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Wednesday night welcomed the Presidential Statement approved by the Security Council earlier today on the humanitarian situation in Syria, his press office said in a statement.

The Council action “illustrates the commitment of the international community to support the people caught up in the crisis,” the statement said.

He noted that if the commitments and practical steps outlined in the statement are implemented, humanitarian workers will be able to reach millions of Syrians in desperate need, many of whom have been unreachable for months.

In a related matter, Syrian Ambassador Bashar Ja’afari told reporters earlier today that his Government “has been and still is” committed to implement the UN plan in response to the humanitarian crisis in his country.

“We are deeply and fully committed to respecting and observing the provisions of this plan of response for the humanitarian needs in Syria,” he said.

The plan, the 5th of its kind, has been signed by the Syrian Government and the UN Humanitarian Chief Valerie Amos.

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