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The Pivot That Wasn’t

Did America Wait Too Long to Counter China? During the past two decades, many American leaders have argued that U.S. foreign policy must focus more on Asia. In 2009, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said that “the center of gravity of international affairs is importantly shifting from the Atlantic to …

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Ukrainians’ Unwavering Path Toward the EU

The steadfast support for European integration among Ukrainians is rooted in a perception of the EU as a community of shared democratic principles. The union should leverage its democratic appeal to solidify its role as a catalyst for change beyond its borders. Ukraine’s quest to join the EU can be …

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Can EU Enlargement Work?

The EU’s enlargement momentum, fueled by Russia’s war against Ukraine, is wearing off. To make political conditionality work, the union must prioritize securing buy-in from candidate countries’ elites and civil society. Not that long ago, enlargement was a second-order priority for the EU: never off the radar but never really …

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New Losses for Syrian Regime in Military Campaign Against ISIS

Two officers of the Syrian regime forces and several individuals were killed in renewed ISIS attacks in the Homs governorate, al-Araby al-Jadeed writes. Two officers of the Syrian regime forces and several individuals were killed in renewed ISIS attacks in the Homs governorate desert. Additionally, a child died after being …

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Israel Targets the 112th Brigade in Southern Syria

A local correspondent for Enab Baladi in Daraa confirmed that the airstrikes specifically targeted a military compound associated with the 112th Brigade in the town of Saida al-Golan. Military installations in the southern Syrian governorates of Daraa and Quneitra have come under Israeli airstrikes. According to the Syrian regime government’s …

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