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IAEA Discusses Technical Cooperation with Iran

TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- A meeting of the IAEA’s technical cooperation committee got underway Monday in Vienna, with officials and diplomats saying that several members of the UN nuclear watchdog are pressing for putting technical assistance to Iran on ice.

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Regional human trafficking group sentenced

A Skopje court Tuesday (November 14th) sentenced 26 people found guilty of automobile smuggling and human trafficking. Their combined sentences totaled 108 years in prison. The group included Macedonian, Bulgarian, Albanian and Kosovo citizens. The organisers of the international trafficking channel, Dejan Stamkov and Jane Beldedovski, received the most severe …

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GROZD gains support in BiH

The October 1st elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina provided an opportunity for several NGOs to promote greater activism among citizens. The most prominent of these was the Civic Organisation for Democracy (GROZD). Established by the Centre for Promotion of Civil Society, in co-operation with NGOs and citizens’

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