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The UK Braces for a Change of Direction

Britain’s Labour party looks set to win July’s general election. In recalibrating the country’s foreign policy, Keir Starmer’s government intends to work more closely with the EU while tackling global challenges. Unless something extraordinary happens, fourteen years of Conservative rule in Britain will come to an end on July 4. …

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Operation Iron Swords – Day 234 – 27 May 2024

Al-Alam TV [Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting] correspondent in Deir al-Balah reported that the occupation army claimed that it targeted Palestinian resistance fighters in this raid, but it did not announce that the targeted place was a displacement center northwest of Rafah Governorate , and the occupation had declared it …

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Russia Is Preparing To Strategically Partner With The Taliban

The driving force for removing the Taliban’s terrorist designation and inviting it to next month’s investment forum is the desire to make tangible progress on reaching a strategic energy deal with Pakistan, which would complete its Ummah Pivot and Greater Eurasian Partnership. The Taliban remain international outcasts due to their …

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