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Iran and Israel Need to Talk

It’s now been about four weeks since Iranian missiles filled Israeli skies, as humanity held its breath for nuclear war and possible extinction. If that strikes you as hyperbole, consider this: Had Israel suffered great damage, the war could have gone nuclear, and don’t think for a minute that Russia …

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Follow the Missiles

The US has long been Israel’s largest arms merchant. For the last four years, the US has supplied Israel with 69% of its imported weapons, from F-35s to chemical munitions (white phosphorous), tank shells to precision bombs. Despite this, the Biden administration claims not to know how these weapons are …

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“The Balkan Six and their regimes are bound by one thing – corruption”: Today’s interlocutors on the achievements of the Western Balkans leaders’ summit in Kotor

The leaders of the Western Balkans Six and senior EU and US officials bought themselves on Thursday, May 16, in Kotor at the summit on the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, which was held under the slogan “One region – a common vision”. The summit was opened by Montenegrin …

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Iran Update, May 15, 2024

The Israeli defense minister publicly called on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to define a political end state in the Gaza Strip. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said on May 15 that “governance by non-Hamas Palestinian entities, accompanied by international actors, is in Israel’s interest.”[i] Gallant added that he rejected …

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Le sionisme ou la folie identitaire

J’ai regroupé dans ce texte des notes que j’ai prises, depuis le mois de février 2024, au fil du martyr de Gaza, sur le sujet du délire identitaire sioniste. J’avais été frappé par le fait que ce délire s’exacerbait au fur et à mesure que devenait insupportable, aux yeux du …

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