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NATO needs a realistic plan for ending the Ukraine war

As NATO leaders and other key officials gather in Washington this week to commemorate the alliance’s 75th anniversary, they must avoid talk of celebration. The world is in turmoil, and they must focus hard on explaining to their various agitated and unsure constituents what their strategy really is for the …

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My message to the new world

Amidst war and turbulence in our region, Iran’s political system demonstrated remarkable stability by conducting elections in a competitive, peaceful, and orderly manner, dispelling insinuations made by some “Iran experts” in certain governments. This stability, and the dignified manner in which the elections were conducted, underscore the discernment of our …

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North Korean nuclear weapons, 2024

North Korea continues to modernize and grow its nuclear weapons arsenal. In this Nuclear Notebook, the authors cautiously estimate that North Korea may have produced enough fissile material to hypothetically build up to 90 nuclear warheads, but has likely assembled fewer than that—potentially around 50. To deliver the warheads, North …

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Russia accuses US of bankrolling Ukrainian attempts to assassinate Putin

Responding to Ukrainian spy chief’s admission that Kyiv has tried to kill Russian president multiple times, Moscow spokeswoman says Washington created ‘terrorist structure’ Moscow on Sunday accused the United States of bankrolling Ukrainian attempts on the life of Russian President Vladmir Putin, hours after former US president Donald Trump was …

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What Russia Wants in the Middle East

Moscow Seeks to Exploit Instability but Avoid Escalation Since Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel, Russia has enjoyed watching the deteriorating situation in the Middle East preoccupy its main adversary, the United States. On April 13, however, Moscow grew concerned when, in retaliation for an attack on the Damascus consulate …

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The Vicious Cycle of American Political Violence

A Conversation With Robert Lieberman on the Trump Shooting The attempt on former U.S. President Donald Trump’s life on July 13 marked the first time in more than 40 years that someone has shot a current or former U.S. president. It is still not clear what motivated the gunman, but …

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