Rafsanjani: UN Discredited by Security Council Resolution on Iran

A0008746.jpgTEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Expediency Council Chairman Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani described the UNSC resolution on Iran’s nuclear case as cruel and stressed that the measure has discredited the United Nations.

Speaking to a congregation of theologians and religious scientists in the northeastern city of Mashhad, Rafsanjani said that the Security Council members have been unable to hide their ill intentions, adding, “Having adopted such a measure, they (the UNSC members) entered a battle against Iran which not only discredited the United Nations, but also unveiled the true nature of these powers for the human society.”

Elsewhere, he noted the ongoing crisis in Lebanon and the brave resistance of Hezbollah against the Zionist regime’s aggressions and described captivity of the two Israeli soldiers as a pretext for the Zionist regime to deceive public opinion and invade Lebanon.

He said that the Zionists’ arrogant strikes on the different Lebanese regions are premeditated and goal-oriented, and concluded, “None of the Zionists’ operations has so far been left unanswered and if the war is ended today, Israel will be the loser of this game.”

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