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Migrants: all the doubts about the Rama-Meloni agreement

Despite the inconsistencies and uncertainties around the agreement signed between Rome and Tirana for the reception of migrants on Albanian soil, and while awaiting the judgment of the European Court, work on the two centres has already begun in Gjadër and Shëngjin. We went to see how they were progressing …

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Macron : la stratégie de la tension, dans quel but ?

L’incident aérien de la mer Noire Le 5 mars dernier, l’Armée de l’air française a effectué une patrouille de surveillance aérienne en mer Noire, au large de l’espace aérien russe. Jusque-là, rien d’anormal. En effet, depuis plus de deux ans, les sites spécialisés dans le suivi de l’activité aérienne (civile …

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Après l’Ukraine, la Serbie ?

• Moscou est convaincu que les straussiens vont tenter en Serbie, et non pas en Transnistrie (comme initialement prévu par la Rand Corporation1), la prochaine manche contre la Russie. Il s’agirait de provoquer la 3ème Guerre mondiale en rejouant l’incident de Temes Kubin qui succéda d’un mois à l’assassinat de …

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UN commission finds Israel guilty of “extermination,” “crimes against humanity,” killing Palestinians and Israeli hostages

The Israeli government and military have committed systematic “crimes against humanity,” including “extermination,” during their eight-month-long assault on Gaza, a key United Nations commission found in a report published Wednesday. The report is the first in-depth investigation by the United Nations into the events that have happened since October 7 …

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Five Factors Shaping the Future of Egypt-Israel Relations

The Gaza war has strained Egyptian-Israeli relations to an unprecedented level and raised questions about the future of their 1979 peace treaty that has been a cornerstone of Arab-Israeli peace. U.S. officials met recently in Cairo with their Israeli and Egyptian counterparts against a backdrop of mutually diminishing confidence between …

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