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Axis Of Upheaval: New Era Of Confrontation – OpEd

‘For the powerful, crimes are those that others commit,’ Noam Chomsky once remarked, highlighting a key critique of U.S. global dominance. Now, the U.S. faces another confrontation with its rivals—China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea (CRINK)—a coalition that endangers the global order, as described in the research termed “Axis of …

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To Stop Hamas, Confront Qatar and Iran

The Biden-Harris administration’s lifting of sanctions is what enabled Iran to profit to the tune of an estimated $100 billion, used for waging terror against Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia — and the US. Just since October, Iran and its terror proxies and militias have attacked US troops …

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Iran Update, September 13, 2024

The US Embassy in Baghdad assessed that Iranian-backed Iraqi militias likely conducted the attack a US diplomatic compound near Baghdad International Airport on September 10.[1] CTP-ISW also assessed on September 11 that Iranian-backed Iraqi militias conducted the September 10 attack. The US Embassy in Baghdad said on September 11 that …

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Le cancer américain et notre conscience de la maladie mortelle

Au début des années 1930, Robert Aron (1898-1975) semble avoir compris le caractère malsain de l’influence qu’avaient les États-Unis sur la France et, plus généralement, dans le monde. Écrivain français, auteur d’essais politiques et d’ouvrages historiques, il est également dramaturge. Il sera une figure importante du mouvement personnaliste dans les …

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Serbia: Between A ‘Special War’ And ‘Global Launch’ – Analysis

Over the past decade, the Republic of Serbia has made significant strides in its socio-economic and political development. It has successfully (re)positioned itself on the regional and international political stage. However, the unresolved dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina remains a substantial burden on Serbia’s ambitious economic development projects. Due to …

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Ukraine Military Situation: Despite Russia’s Offensive Slowing In Eastern Ukraine, Region Remains Volatile – Analysis

Battlefield Assessment Though Russia’s offensive is slowing in eastern Ukraine, the region remains volatile and dangerous. Ukraine has deployed National Guard formations and detachments of the Kara-Dag Brigade and the 93rd Separate Mechanized Brigade to stabilize the front and conduct tactical counteroffensives. Nonetheless, the Kremlin has managed to gain territory. …

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La renaissance des civilisations autrefois ostracisées par l’Occident : un phénomène qui redéfinit l’ordre mondial

Alors que les fondations de l’ordre mondial vacillent, un vent de changement souffle sur la planète, annonçant la fin d’une hégémonie et le début d’une ère nouvelle : l’ère du multipolarisme. Un monde en mutation, où les anciennes certitudes s’effondrent et où de nouvelles voix s’élèvent pour réclamer leur place …

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