
Catherine Ashton: “Western Balkans one of EU priorities”

EU Foreign Policy High Representative Catherine Ashton says the future of Western Balkans will be one of the priorities of her activities. Ashton also and pointed out that she wants for the whole region to progress towards the Union in the future. In a speech before MPs of the Foreign …

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Macedonia Will Continue Seeking Name Solution

Skopje will continue seeking a solution to its name dispute that does not violate the state and the national interests of Macedonia’s nationals, Macedonian PM Nikola Gruevski said. In cooperation with the UN name mediator Matthew Nimetz and through direct contacts in the upcoming period, Macedonia will try to reach …

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Herman Van Rompuy prefers name “Macedonia”

The President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy prefers the name “Macedonia” and noted it in his first speech on Friday during his visit to Germany, Macedonian Untrinski vesnik newspaper writes. Rompuy has delivered his first official speech before representatives of a local party not at a summit of …

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Ali Ahmeti does not ask for Macedonian govt reshuffles

Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said the chairman of the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI) Ali Ahmeti had not asked him for government reshuffles, Macedonian Vecer daily writes. If a minister decides to quit, it is their right, the prime minister added. Gruevski’s words came after the reports in the …

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Gruevski expects name talks to resume by the end of January

Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said that name talks with Greece will resume by the end of January or the beginning of February the latest. “So far, we haven’t had any announcements on name talks. We expect something towards the end of January or the beginning of February”, Macedonian PM …

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Gruevski expects name talks to resume by the end of January

Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said that name talks with Greece will resume by the end of January or the beginning of February the latest. “So far, we haven’t had any announcements on name talks. We expect something towards the end of January or the beginning of February”, Macedonian PM …

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Ljube Boskovski asked early elections to be held in Macedonia

Leader of the Union for Macedonia Ljube Boskovski asked for early elections to be held in Macedonia. Boskovski called on Prime Minister (PM) Nikola Gruevski to hold early elections the issue on what support the present have among citizens to be resolved once and for all. Boskovski claimed a research …

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Macedonia PM Welcomes Serbia’s Mediation Offer

Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski during an official visit to Israel welcomed Serbian President Boris Tadic’s offer to mediate in his country’s name row with Greece. “Tadic’s offer is well-intentioned. He is neither the first nor the ast politician who wishes to help. Many have tried and others just expressed …

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Serbia – Ambassadors’ Conference in second day

Vuk Jeremić opened the two-day Ambassadors’ Conference in the Palace of Serbia on Monday. The guest of honor at the conference was Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou, who also addressed the gathering. Jeremić said that the priority of Serbia’s foreign policies in the coming year will be the continuation of …

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